Avoid burns, spills, and splashes from hot coffee or tea. Using a sleeve allows customers to avoid holding their hot beverage by the lid. These cup sleeves are made from corrugated kraft paper to allow for lightweight and effective protection. They are shipped flat, for easy shipping and storage and plain on one side – perfect for writing client names.¶¶These sleeves are able to fit many standard coffee cups.¶¶· Fits any standard coffee cup¶· Lightweight and effective¶· A complete line of products for in-room hotel programs, restaurants and specialty coffee houses¶· Packaged using biodegradable materials¶· 100% cruelty-free¶· Recyclable packaging
Đặt mua Villa Coffee Cup Sleeve, 1000/cs

Villa Coffee Cup Sleeve, 1000/cs
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Đánh giá Villa Coffee Cup Sleeve, 1000/cs
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